The Torrid Tribe
Food • Lifestyle • Politics • Travel • Culture
An intimate literary environment to share yourself to others and allow them to contribute their views by doing the same. Your safe environment where you can express yourself uncensored. This is also a visual environment to express yourself creatively and graphically. Please join me and share your content and stimulate us with your contributing literature, articles, memes and views.
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Do We Have A Two Tier Justice System?

"The Wrecking Ball Crew" New Cartoon

Is our Justice System a joke? Reply and let us know!

Breaking News: Hunter Biden Biden will plead guilty to willful failure to pay federal income tax. He will enter a “pretrial diversion program” regarding his gun crime, indicating that he will face no jail time. A slap on the wrist by our two tier justice system as President Trump faces 100 years in prison in trumped up document hoax.

The FBI continues to destroy justice in America. They are the strong arm of the Democrat Marxist Party.

Christopher Wray refused to hand over to Congress a non-classified document that proves Joe Biden took bribes and sold out his country. Wray only relented when threatened with contempt of Congress charges and impeachment. We know the FBI hid Hunter Biden’s laptop evidence to help his father win the presidential election.

The US security agencies are unaccountable. They are allowed to do what they want.

It’s time to dismantle the FBI before it completely dismantles us.

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Hillary visiting us

Part 1

Hillary is visiting us

Part 2

Sunset swim tonight.
🔥 Welcome to The Torrid Tribe 🔥

Passion is the vibe that I want to bring to this community. I want to enjoy your passion for whatever it is you are into. Let's share what we learn - and learn what each other shares. Foodies unite. I love to cook and share recipes. I will regularly post pictures and recipes are available upon request. I would enjoy discussing your past, present and future journeys. Nature is God and Mother Earth's exquisite gift to us. Share a picture and we will enjoy the beauty through your eyes. Let's get deep and consensual with great subjective matter. This is a non judgemental safe place to let everything hang out.

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Thank you and hugs.


My boys had a date with the groomers 💙🩵4 pics

Chance 💙

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