The Torrid Tribe
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September 17, 2024

Over 25 Kamala Harris lies were counted during her debate with Trump. She lied about Trump’s stand on abortion, IVF, his Bloodbath comment (debunked), his “good people on both sides” comment (debunked), and his connection with Project 2025, just to name a few. ABC was quick to fact-check Trump numerous times, even when he was right, but failed to fact-check Harris’s lies not once.

Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Kamala Harris Point by Point After Biased Moderators Fail to Call Out Her Lies During Debate — Here are the Details

By Jim Hoft – The Gateway Pundit – Sept 11, 2024

The Trump campaign is taking matters into its own hands after a blatantly biased performance by the debate moderators, who failed to hold Kamala Harris accountable for her numerous lies.
Last night’s debate featured Kamala Harris dodging responsibility for her failed policies while a complicit moderator allowed her to escape scrutiny in yet another display of blatant media bias.

Despite the stacked odds, President Donald Trump emerged victorious, offering clear solutions while exposing Kamala Harris’s disastrous record and long list of lies.

The debate was a glaring example of how far the radical left is willing to go to distort the truth. Kamala Harris, with the full support of a biased moderator, attempted to rewrite history while pushing dangerous, far-left policies. But the facts speak for themselves.

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It’s about to get real.

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Double Trouble waking me up this morning 🤣

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